Early Bird Deadline Extended

We know how busy the month of December can be with the holidays. We also know that sometimes you get a bit of cash in your Christmas stocking, or a nice chunk of Hannukah gelt (or whatever you choose to celebrate). Or maybe you were waiting until the schedule timetable was announced. Whatever your reason, […]

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Fly to VISS with a special deal from Air Canada

We’re happy to announce that Air Canada is the official Canadian airline for VISS 2013 and has provided a special promotion code for registered out-of-town attendees. It is through the support of companies and organizations like Air Canada that we’re able to produce the Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium. Air Canada is Canada’s largest full-service airline and […]

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Call for 2 Organizational Volunteers

The Vancouver International Swordplay Symposium is looking for two organizational volunteers. Please send a cover letter and CV to volunteer@vancouverswordplay.com if you are interested. Time commitment will vary depending on the amount of work which needs to be done from one week to the next. Each assistant will be compensated in the form of one […]

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VISS 2013 Registration Now Open

We’re excited to announce registration for VISS 2013 is now open! There are a variety of ways to attend VISS depending on what you want to get out of the event. We offer two types of access—participation or observation—and you can then attend as much or as little as you wish. We’re also excited to […]

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Planning in Full Swing for VISS 2013

Things have been a little quiet here from us on the VISS Board of Directors, but rest assured we’re working hard to bring you an amazing event in February 2013. Registration will be going live in mid-October, with a short period of super early bird pricing, as well as early bird discounts until the end […]

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Testimonials from VISS 2011

From Sean Hayes: “Devon Boorman and the Academie Duello were amazing and gracious hosts, the organization of the event was top-notch, the Saturday Gala was a fantastic high class party, and most importantly, the students were highly skilled and really challenged the instructors to perform at their best…” […]

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