Instructor(s): Matheus Alfred-Olmedo
Discipline: Sidesword or rapier
Cloaks have been fashion accessories for centuries – and a skilled sword fighter’s versatile secondary. Wrapped around an arm, or flung at someone’s face, we will explore various ways in which capes can be used to protect, bind, distract, and enhance your sword fighting.
Based on Italian Renaissance swordfighting, we will spend 90 minutes learning:
- how a cloak defends against thrusts and cuts,
- some tactical application of the cloaks in how to approach a fight wearing one,
- the “fun” tricks of a cloak fighter.
Required experience: comfort with thrusting and cutting with your weapon of choice; knowledge of secondaries will be useful.
Equipment requirements: mask, gorget, sword, cloak like object (cloak, jacket, towel, blanket–a limited number of loaner cloaks will be available)