More details are now available for the VISS gala on the evening of Saturday, February 18! The gala is a formal party running from 8:00 pm to 12:00 am at Academie Duello on 412 West Hastings Street. Doors open at 7:30 pm.
Some of this year’s gala features include:
- Live Music by JC and the Thunderbirds, a local 5-piece rock-, funk-, and R&B-inspired band, led by the multi-talented Juhli Conlin
- Instructor exhibition matches between world-class instructors of different disciplines, following VISS 2017’s theme of “This vs. That”
- Champagne Sabre-ing for those who prefer to open their champagne in extravagance and style — reserve a bottle in advance and we will teach you how to open it with a sword!
- A photo booth to immortalize the event
- A dessert buffet and pay bar
Everyone who purchases a 3-day VISS symposium pass automatically receives a gala ticket, but gala tickets can also be purchased separately for $45. The gala will begin two hours after the end of Saturday’s afternoon workshops, so there should be plenty of time for VISS attendees to leave and come back in between.
See you there!