Working Group — Roverso Trivillato

Instructor(s): Stephen Fratus


One of the exciting things about being a Bolognese martial artist is the having the chance to figure out what some of the obscure actions in the Bolognese corpus are.

On Friday night, Stephen Fratus will lead a workshop where martial artists compare their working interpretations of the roverso trivillato. The format will be to demonstrate the technique and explore the reasoning behind the interpretation. Then to answer questions that other martial artists may have about your interpretation.

All participants are expected to behave with the utmost courtesy and mutual respect toward fellow scholars. There are no prizes for the best interpretation. This is a collaborative effort to help refine our own understanding of the art and possible interpretations we have not yet considered.

The roverso trivillato or “drilled roverso” appears in the work of most of the Bolognese authors. Some instances of its usage include:

  • In Manciolino’s Second Assalto for the sword and small buckler.
  • In Play #483 of the Anonimo Bolognese, in the section on the two handed sword.
  • In Marozzo’s  material for the two-handed sword. Here it is used from the true edge to true mezza spada in the third assalto; in addition, it appears in the attacks from guardia di intrare against porta di ferro alta.